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Funny White Elephant Gifts $35 & Under for Your Coworker & Boss

Updated: May 31

White Elephant gift exchanges have become a staple of holiday celebrations, office parties, and festive gatherings. So why not give coworkers gifts they actually want and can make use of?

In this blog post, we'll explore how White Elephant gift exchanges work and share a few hilarious gift ideas that are sure to steal the show. These quirky gift swaps add an element of surprise, laughter, and sometimes a touch of friendly competition to any occasion.

How Do White Elephant Gift Exchanges Work?

How It Works: The White Elephant gift exchange, also known as Yankee Swap or Dirty Santa, is a game where participants bring wrapped, often humorous, gifts without revealing the contents. The rules vary, but the basic concept remains the same:

  1. Gift Selection Selection: Each participant brings a wrapped gift to the event. The gifts are usually placed in a central location.

2. Drawing Numbers: Participants draw numbers to determine the order in which they'll choose a gift. The person with number one selects the first gift, and the subsequent participants can either choose a new gift or "steal" an already opened one.

3. Stealing & Unwrapping: When a gift is stolen, the person who had it can either choose a new gift or steal from someone else. The game continues until everyone has had a turn, and the final person can choose to keep their gift or "steal" from anyone in the group.

Now that we've covered the basics, let's dive into some fun and unique White Elephant gift ideas:

Best White Elephant Gift Ideas for $35 & Under

White Elephant gift exchanges inject a sense of humor and camaraderie into any gathering. The key to a successful White Elephant gift is to strike the right balance between laughter and practicality.

With these ideas, you're sure to bring joy and amusement to your next gift exchange, making it a memorable and entertaining experience for all involved.

Happy gifting!

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